United Nations Centennial Series

Nov 24, 2019News

The United Nations will mark its hundredth year in 2045. This series will address issues that will help define the world as it will exist at the UN’s centennial. How will AI (Artificial Intelligence) shape the world and how can the UN direct the development of AI to promote a safer and more prosperous world? What are the challenges of the AI Age to peace, security, human values, and international norms? How can the UN play an enlarged role in forging a better world? Are there ways that citizens can contribute through the UN? Such questions and others will be examined in the United Nations Centennial Series, which will feature articles by distinguished thinkers and leaders.

Governor Michael Dukakis, President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, father of the Internet Vint Cerf, Professor Alex Sandy Pentland, Professor Nazli Choucri, and other great figures are confirmed to contribute to this series. Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan, co-founder and CEO of the Boston Global Forum, is named as the curator of United Nations Centennial Series.