Facebook is Making Progress on Its Mind Reading Headset

Aug 3, 2019News

“In 2017, Facebook announced that it was working on a brain-computer interface that designed to let users type by simply thinking words. And today, the company revealed for the first time how far it’s come in its quest to make such a device a reality.

Facebook’s Research Lab is already exploring a promising alternative: infrared. By measuring blood oxygenation levels, Facebook believes that it can create a less bulky — and far less invasive — brain-computer interface.

In other words, Facebook isn’t going to get inside your thoughts any time soon. A device that can allow us all to move a mouse, type Facebook comments, and play games with our thoughts alone is still many years, if not decades, out.

And it’s also bound to raise plenty of questions concerning privacy. Our thoughts are one of the last safe havens that have yet to be exploited by data hoarding big tech companies.”

The original article can be found here.

Boston Global Forum is building the Social Contract 2020 as a part of AI World Society Initiative. The Social Contract 2020 will include human brain-computer interface.