Initiatives of Boston Global Forum
From its founding on December 12th, 2012, the Boston Global Forum has contributed pioneering initiatives for a peaceful, secure, creative, innovative, and prosperous world.
The Boston Global Forum connects leaders, devises initiatives, and implements them.

AIWS City and Rebuilding Ukraine
BGF condemns Russian invasion of Ukraine, calls for support to Ukraine, and initiates to rebuild Ukraine with AIWS City conceptual models.

AIWS City and the Age of Global Enlightenment
AIWS develops recommendations for the development and implementation of AI in ways that promote the public interest.

Global Law and Accord on AI and Digital
These are the principles and frameworks that guide all activities and discussions at Boston Global Forum.

Shinzo Abe Initiative for Peace and Security
Japan will continue to cooperate closely with the US and other partners in the International community, reliably safeguard our nation’s important information and property while playing a leading role in achieving the peace and stability of the international community.

Global Cybersecurity Day
Global Cybersecurity Day, held in December 12 at 12 noon local time in various cities around the globe, aims to inspire the shared responsibility of the world’s citizens to protect the safety, transparency and security of the Internet.

United Nations Centennial
BGF developed 100-year visions, missions, and action plans for United Nations.
Healthcare information under attack
U.S. healthcare providers lag way behind other industries in protecting their digitized data about patients. Thus the number of cyber-attacks is only expected to accelerate. See more The number of healthcare-data attacks over the past five years has increased 125...
Ideas for cyber-security recommendations for G7 Summit
(7th March 2016) After a month of discussions, the Boston Global Forum’s cyber-security group has produced these early ideas as a basis for possible future recommendations to G7 Summit leaders. Encouraging private-sector enterprises to create market-based incentives...
The terrorist’s iPhone: The Government is right
(29th Feb 2016) Robert Whitcomb , Managing Editor of the Boston Global Forum shared his view about The Terrorist's iPhone The U.S. government has the much stronger argument in its battle with Apple over getting access to information in the iPhone of one of the two San...
The BGF cyber-security initiative draws technical experts, political leaders
(22nd Feb 2016) The Boston Global Forum (BGF) is continuing to host experts and build up its institutional expertise in its cyber-security project this year, a key part of the BGF-G7 Summit Initiative. One of the most important goals of the Initiative is to craft...
Let’s avoid another Cold War
(22nd Feb 2016) Governor Michael Dukakis – Founder and Chairman of The Boston Global Forum shared his view about "Avoiding another Cold War" Recently, we have seen a surge in the number of people who seem to think that Russia threatens American security. Both the...
Cyber-expert Schneier discusses need for ‘norms’ at second Online Dialogue to build the BGF-G7 Summit Initiative
(Feb. 12th, 2016) – On Feb. 11 at Harvard Kennedy School, The Boston Global Forum (BGF) held the second in series of online dialogues to build the BGF-G7 Summit Initiative. This session was with Bruce Schneier, fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at...