Professor Philip Howard, Director Oxford Internet Institute

Professor Philip Howard, Director Oxford Internet Institute
On United Nations Charter Day, June 26, 2019, AI World Society Distinguished Lecture will be co-organized by the United Nations Academic Impact and the Boston Global Forum as the United Nation Academic Impact Charter Day Lecture at the Headquarter of the United...
Please see the below to view Live 2017 BGF-G7 Summit Initiative Conference on April 25th Theme: Prevention of Cyberwar and Coping with Fake News Venue: Harvard University Faculty Club, 20 Quincy Street, Cambridge, MA Time: 8:30 am – 11:30 am, April 25, 2017
The emergence of Fake News and threat of Cyberwar now impact free, fair and peaceful elections in the US and elswehere Cambridge Mass (April 20, 2017) --- Leading cybersecurity and international media authorities will discuss coping with the rising impact of fake...
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AI World Society is pleased to announce that Professor Alex ‘Sandy’ Pentland, a distinguished scholar at MIT, will join us as a member of the AIWS Standards and Practice Committee. He will also be speaking at the AIWS Summit on June 11, 2019. Professor Alex 'Sandy'...