Ideas for cyber-security recommendations for G7 Summit

Mar 6, 2016AI World Society Summit

(7th March 2016) After a month of discussions, the Boston Global Forum’s cyber-security group has produced these early ideas as a basis for possible future recommendations to G7 Summit leaders.


  • Encouraging private-sector enterprises to create market-based incentives to share information among themselves on cyber-threats and responses.
  • Setting up government clearing houses for data on cyber-attacks and best practices to thwart them.
  • Boosting coordination of Computer Emergency Readiness Teams to facilitate handling cyber-incidents at the international level.
  • Establishing norms of cyber-behavior at both government and nongovernmental levels.
  • Improving training and discipline of people working on secured networks. This is called “cyber-hygiene.’’ The weakest link in almost all computer networks is not technology but
  • Modernizing regulations domestically and internationally to strengthen cyber-security and remove barriers to cooperation. This would include more global sharing of information among regulators and streamlining prosecution of cyber-crimes.
  • Clarifying the pros and cons of encryption.

As part of its cyber-security initiative, the Boston Global Forum is forming a group that it calls “Hackers for Peace and Security,’’ to work with “white hat hackers’’ (honest and civic-minded software experts) to thwart “black hat hackers’’ and turn the latter into white hats.