Statement of the Boston Global Forum and Global Alliance for Digital Governance on the Law of AI: Independence Day, July 4th, 2023

Jul 2, 2023Global Alliance for Digital Governance

Boston – San Francisco, July 2, 2023


On this Independence Day, as we celebrate the spirit and values that define our nation, the Boston Global Forum and the Global Alliance for Digital Governance underscore the critical importance of addressing the significant threats and opportunities arising from the rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence.

Two primary threats demand our attention. Firstly, we must remain vigilant in recognizing governments of large countries that exhibit totalitarian or dictatorial tendencies, as their unchecked power poses a significant risk to individual freedoms and democratic principles. Secondly, we acknowledge the influence and impact of big tech companies, which wield considerable control over data, privacy, and societal discourse.

To ensure the responsible and beneficial deployment of AI, it is imperative to establish a comprehensive Law of AI. This legislation must effectively address and manage these threats while supporting the ethical and innovative use of AI technologies.

While governments possess the ability to monitor and supervise big tech companies through policy measures, it is crucial to acknowledge that neither governments nor the United Nations have yet implemented adequate laws and regulations to adequately address and counterbalance the threats posed by totalitarian and dictatorial governments. For instance, the European Union’s AI Act, although commendable, falls short in fully considering this serious issue.

To comprehensively tackle these challenges, it is imperative for the United States government to assume a leadership role and collaborate with global alliances. Meaningful collaboration and cooperation between nations are essential to effectively address the multifaceted threats posed by these entities.

The Boston Global Forum and the Global Alliance for Digital Governance are committed to contributing key concepts to the development of the Law of AI. Our aim is to formulate a framework that balances power dynamics and enables effective monitoring of totalitarian and dictatorial governments. In doing so, we can safeguard the values of freedom, democracy, and human rights in the age of AI, which we refer to as the Age of Global Enlightenment within the AI World Society. Furthermore, the BGF and GADG will provide a forum for dialogue between companies and governments such as the United States, Japan, India, and the European Union.

Together, let us embrace the spirit of July 4th and work towards a future where AI is harnessed for the betterment of humanity while proactively mitigating the risks associated with its potential misuse.