Global Alliance for Digital Governance
Ten Steps to win the AI Race

Ten Steps to win the AI Race

Mark Kennedy’s speech at the BGF Conference “AIWS – New Democracy” Harvard University Loeb House, November 25, 2024 During my first year in Congress in 2001, I faced a vote on whether to maintain Normal Trade Relations with the People’s Republic of China (PRC). I...

Boston Areti AI and Indo-Pacific Spark: A Call to Action

Boston Areti AI and Indo-Pacific Spark: A Call to Action

More than ever, there is a need for collective global action to ensure that AI benefits humanity. While many are deliberating about smaller-scale AI policies or issues, BGF is developing the Knowledge Platform for AI, which is built on the foundational concepts of the...

Knowledge Platform for AI: Insights from Professor Nazli Choucri

Knowledge Platform for AI: Insights from Professor Nazli Choucri

At the Boston Global Forum conference "Governing the Future: AI, Democracy and Humanity" on April 30, 2024, Harvard University's Loeb House, MIT Professor Nazli Choucri, BGF Board Member, emphasized the growing importance of knowledge in the era of Artificial...