Project “Boston Areti AI (BAI)”

Jul 14, 2024Event Updates, News

The Boston Global Forum announces the “Boston Areti AI (BAI)” project, an innovative initiative aimed at designing the concepts and architecture of a special assistant AI to support leaders. The name Areti, meaning “virtue” in Greek, reflects the project’s core values. BAI is a virtue-oriented AI, designed for leaders and humanity, embodying principles of transparency, fairness, and human-centricity. It will serve as a peaceful, sincere, intelligent, and knowledgeable companion, aiding leaders in making ethical, compassionate, and informed decisions. BAI will act as a moral compass, reminding leaders of the consequences of harmful actions such as violence, environmental destruction, and the erosion of human values.

BGF calls on companies, organizations, and individuals to join and contribute to creating this landmark sample of a virtue AI Assistant, “Boston Areti AI,” setting a new standard for ethical and responsible AI in leadership.