Japanese Minister of Defense Taro Kono presented an AIWS Distinguished Lecture at Global Cybersecurity Day Symposium 2019

Dec 16, 2019Event Updates

On December 12, at Loeb House, Harvard University, with attending of distinguished thinkers of Harvard, MIT, Naval War College, and leaders of Massachusetts, business leaders, under moderation by Governor Michael Dukakis, Chair of the Boston Global Forum (BGF), Japanese Minister of Defense Taro Kono presented AIWS Distinguished Lecture. Minister Taro Kono spoke about Japan Self-Defense Forces’ efforts in Cyberspace. This is keynote speech of Global Cybersecurity Day Symposium 2019.

December 12, 2012 is birthday of the Boston Global Forum, and from December 12, 2015, it became Global Cybersecurity Day, with statement from United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

Prime ministers, presidents presented speeches on Global Cybersecurity Day, and support for this initiative of BGF.