Dr. Vint Cerf, one of “the Father of the Internet” and World Leader in AI World Society Award, will be honored in Nha Trang, Vietnam in 2020.
VietNet Information Highway, the first Internet of Vietnam applied by TCP/IP protocol , was born in Nha Trang city in December 1995, and officially provided internet service in January 1996, two years before Vietnam government officially allowed on Internet connectivity. Internet has supported to a remarkable change in Vietnam. It has connected Vietnam together with developed countries (United States and Western countries), as an important factor to make open and strong Vietnam.
To respect and honor the Father of Internet, Nha Trang city will create Vint Cerf Archive room and statue. When Dr. Vint Cerf visit Nha Trang in 2020, the city will organize a special ceremony to welcome and honor Dr. Vint Cerf, as well as officially launch the Vint Cerf Archive Room and Statue. Besides, Dr. Vint Cerf will give a special speech at the ceremony.
Dr. Vint Cerf also joins to the team to build the Social Contract 2020.