Red Flags in the Tech Race: America Must Act Now to Preserve Its Innovation Edge

Jan 20, 2025Shinzo Abe Initiative for Peace and Security, News

Mark Kennedy

An issue getting scant attention should be among the most pressing concerns for the US. Preserving our innovation and technological edge and leadership is imperative to our economic success and to our national security. Yet that leadership faces significant threats, which are being all but ignored in the national discussion.

Warning signs have been flashing red when it comes to technological innovation, particularly in the competition with the People’s Republic of China (PRC). America’s leadership in this crucial area is at greater risk than any time since President John F. Kennedy’s call to win the space race some six decades ago.

China is now more a peer competitor economically, militarily, and diplomatically than many believe, and technology is driving its advances. Naïve arrogance keeps too many Americans from seeing that the PRC has become a tech powerhouse and, in worrisome ways, a tech threat. 

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