
Bangladesh Garment Factories See Slow Recovery

BGF is pleased to introduce here the interview by Here & Now with John Quelch, professor of business administration at Harvard Business School, Co-Founder, and Member of Board of Directors of Boston Global Forum, about Ranza Plaza tragedy. The original version can...

The power of bargain

BGF would like to introduce here an article by Mr. Van-Phu Nguyen, Managing Editor of Saigon Times relating the TPP negotiation to garment industry. The original version can be found at...

Catarina Caldeira da Silva

Catarina Caldeira da Silva

Catarina Caldeira da Silva was born in Lisbon, Portugal under Salazar's regime. This dictated her parents' choice to enroll her and her three brothers in the German School of Lisbon, thus giving them the opportunity to be in contact with different cultures and...