Creating an alliance of governments and leaders to monitor governments and companies about ethics and norms of the AI World Society Social Contract 2020

Nov 11, 2019News

Standards and Norms of the Social Contract 2020 are very good ideas, but how does one enforce them? Great powers such as USA, China, and Russia do not cooperate or trust each other. In addition, big companies and corporations try to become dictators in AI and big data.

How does one solve this dangerous issue? The Boston Global Forum calls for an alliance between OECD, G7 governments, leaders of civil society, and former leaders to solve this dangerous issue.

AI World Society Young Leaders will contribute to monitor violations of norms, standards, and the Social Contract 2020 and report to the Alliance.

Based on data from monitoring, AIWS Young Leaders build the Ethics Index about governments, companies.

AI World Society Young Leaders are present in many countries as US, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, India, Vietnam, and Latin America.