Artificial Intelligence 2020: Trends, Predictions in the World of AI

Dec 30, 2019News

Techiexperts highlights of the trends and predictions for AI in 2020 include:

Integration of Blockchain, IoT, and Artificial Intelligence

Integration of AI to other technologies is one of the main concerns in the past. Today, experts have found a way to fuse Artificial Intelligence with other systems more effectively.

One of these advancements is the activation and regulation of certain devices, which enables you to gather real-time data. In 2020, you can run more AI features in vehicles. The same thing goes for Blockchains that can generate certain routine using AI to address security, scalability, and other alarming concerns.

The AIWS Innovation Network will connect key AI actors and provide services that can assist in the development of AI.

By key actors, we refer to influential AI end users, including governments, corporations and non- profit organizations, and to AI experts, including thought leaders, scholars, creators, and innovators.

By services, we refer to such activities as providing advice on AI projects, assisting in developing solutions to AI problems, offering training in AI subjects, and connecting AI event organizers with speakers.

Services will also include periodic conferences, forums, and roundtables on AI topics; development of AI apps, etc.

Improved AI System Assistance

This is one of the biggest improvements you should expect in 2020. Experts have predicted that AI system assistance will be more streamlined including the automation for customer service and other sales tasks.

While we now have popular assistants powered by AI such as Siri, Alexa, Waze, and Cortana, more and more investors are still working with some of the best AI software developers.

By next year, you can expect more apps and programs with Artificial Intelligence system, which enables you to perform various tasks. In fact, ComScore mentioned that more than half of all searches can be sorted out using voice commands by 2020.

AIWS Social Contract 2020 introduced 7 centers of power, one of them being AI Assistants.

The original article can be found here.