Marc Rotenberg, President of EPIC, held a great talk and discussion on Enhancing Cybersecurity in AI World Society

Dec 16, 2019Event Updates

On Global Cybersecurity Day Symposium December 12, 2019, Marc Rotenberg, a mentor of AIWS Innovation Network (AIWS-IN), contributor of AIWS Social Contract 2020, presented on the topic “To Ensure Transparency of AI Policymaking in the US and China”

Marc attracted and provoked discussants to debate, with special focus on “AI Policy and Public Participation: EPIC v. Natl. Sec. Comm. on AI”, “AI Techniques and Pre-trial Risk Assessment”, and “The Next Campaign: AI and Face Surveillance”

Marc and EPIC will collaborate with Boston Global Forum to build AIWS Social Contract 2020 and present at AIWS Summit 2020 on April 28-29 at Harvard University.